#SC4FutureFrontiers Social Media Toolkit
The #SC4FutureFrontiers Campaign supports STEM education, exploration and engagement through missions, initiatives and projects in the Challenger Learning Center at SC4, which is housed within SC4’s Experience Center. Donors to the #SC4FutureFrontiers campaign can help fund a mission experience for students, community groups, businesses and more, as well as help the College continue to innovate and blast forward in STEM offerings.
Help us reach our goal by spreading the word on your social media platforms!
Suggested posts (copy and paste for use)
Join me post
Join me in supporting tomorrow’s leaders and scientists through the #SC4FutureFrontiers campaign! Help more students and community members explore STEM subjects and careers through the Challenger Learning Center [@followSC4 or @St. Clair County Community College], which officially launches in Spring 2022! Give today at givecampus.com/cxosx9
Thank you for joining me post
Thank you to @(insert name of friend) for joining me to show support for the [@followSC4 or @St. Clair County Community College] #SC4FutureFrontiers campaign. Who else will join us in making a gift at givecampus.com/edly1u today?
Holiday/end-of-year giving post
This holiday season, join me in giving the gift of a STEM-based, simulated experience through a mission at the Challenger Learning Center [@followSC4 or @St. Clair County Community College] as it opens next Spring! Give today to #SC4FutureFrontiers at givecampus.com/771b1p
Suggested graphics (save and download for use)
Facebook and Instagram mp4 and graphic options
Twitter and LinkedIn mp4 and graphic options
Facebook cover photo options